The ergonomic finger attachment for easier and more concentrated reading, so that the exciting world of books gets your full attention.

+ metal case
+ eBook | Speed Reading Guide

Normal price€32,00
incl. VAT plus shipping costs

- available immediately, with you in 5-7 working days

  • unique product
  • 3D printing - Made in Germany
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • free shipping from 50€ (DE)

"Brilliant - my children love their Booky. My older one only reads with it at home. My daughter even has hers at school"
★★★★★ | Anne

The reading friend for children - for more concentration and fun while reading.

The tip allows you to stay in the line and concentrate fully on the words. Ideal for beginner readers, but also for experienced bookworms.

Unsere neue Bookhoover®-Variante Booky® ist speziell für unsere Kleinen entwickelt worden. Das Design ist angepasst für Kinder ab dem Grundschulalter und ist in zwei Größen und zwei Farben erhältlich.

Der Bookhoover® Booky® kommt direkt im passenden Metall-Etui zu euch.

In addition, our Speed Reading Guide is available as a free eBook - because parents can also improve their reading skills.

The Booky is designed to sit comfortably on the finger, which is why two Booky sizes are available.

You can choose between small and large to choose from. To do this, please measure the circumference of your child's index finger of your child in the area of the top joint.

If the circumference smaller than 4 cmchoose small.
From 4 cm
and more choose large.

If you don't have a flexible measuring tape, you can simply take a thread, shoelace or cord, wrap it around the joint and then read off the length in centimeters using a ruler, triangle or folding rule.



Within Germany: €4.99
Within the EU: €5.99
Free shipping in Germany from €50!

Outside the EU

Switzerland: €9.99
Japan: €12.99
USA/Canada: €12.99


After receipt of your order, your desired variant will be assembled, packaged and shipped via DHL as quickly as possible in Cologne.

You can expect a delivery time of 5 to 7 working days before your order arrives.

You can return your order within 30 days of receiving your original order for a refund or exchange.

Please contact us by email beforehand so that we can coordinate:

Info: Please make sure that the products are undamaged and that the accessories are also sent with them. Unfortunately, shipping costs and handling fees cannot be refunded or covered.

The reading aid for young, bright minds

The ergonomic finger attachment for more focus, speed and concentration - for better reading.

New worlds

Discover more

Wir glauben fest daran, dass Lesen nicht nur eine grundlegende Fertigkeit ist, sondern auch eine Tür zu spannenden Abenteuern und unbegrenztem Wissen öffnet. Das gilt insbesondere für Kinder. Genau deshalb haben wir den Booky® entwickelt – eine speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Kindern zugeschnittene Lesehilfe.

Booky - Bookhoover®
The principle

Eye guidance

Lesen beginnt mit den Augen. Mit dem Booky® können die Augen kontrolliert und ergonomisch durch den Text geführt werden, um unnötige Augenbewegungen wie das Zurückspringen im Text zu vermeiden.

The eye muscles are spared and premature fatigue is prevented. As a result, concentration is maintained, young readers are not distracted and experience fluent reading.

Joy & motivation

More reading fun

Der Booky® ist der ideale Begleiter für Kinder, die ihre Leseabenteuer beginnen oder fortsetzen möchten. Er schafft eine unterstützende Umgebung, in der das Lesen Spaß macht und in der gleichzeitig die Konzentrationsfähigkeit gestärkt wird.

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First-time reader with a passion for the subject

Booky makes reading easier and promotes the joy of learning. 👍🏼


Great reading motivation

My child finds it difficult to learn to read because he often loses concentration and gets distracted. With the Booky, reading is easier and the context of the text can be better understood. Super.


Reading marathon

The reading pen is a great support, especially when reading with my daughter, 6 years old, 1st grade. Thanks to the reading pen, reading has become more concentrated and more enjoyable because it fits very well on the finger and makes reading easier.

the founders

Faces behind

The brains behind the gadget are Mana and Daniel from Cologne. In a speed reading course, they learned that with the right methods, you can actually read faster and with more concentration.

As an engineer and tinkerer, Daniel wanted to use 3D printing to develop the first reading tool that increases focus when reading. Thanks to Mana's knack for design, her eye for detail and her medical background, the two were able to realize the idea.

Look forward to more focus and distraction-free, better reading!

You can test Bookhoover for 30 days. If you are not satisfied, you will get your money back!

Mana & Daniel, founders of Bookhoover

Product table

Product details

Weight 2g
Dimensions 7 x 2 x 1cm
Finger sizes 2
Metal case
Made in Germany
Manufacturing process Powder-based 3D printing | Multi-jet fusion (MJF)
Material PA12 | biocompatible polyamide

Frequently asked questions

No, older children canalso use the reading aid to concentrate better on the text and read more fluently.

All Bookhoover variants are symmetrical and can be placed on either the left or right index finger to actively read and guide the eyes through the text.

Tip: Switch the Bookhoover to the non-dominant hand from time to time, read and write with this hand to challenge and train the brain anew.

Targeted eye guidance and the tactile experience ofusing the Booky increases focus and engagement when reading. Without eye guidance, eyes tend to wander, concentration drops and children lose motivation. A reading aid like the Booky is therefore particularly suitable for children with concentration and learning difficulties . We are currently working with several elementary school and occupational therapists to assess the benefits of the Booky for children with learning difficulties.

Although it is natural to use the finger to focus on a text, as children do, this can be a hindrance as the finger is short and thick and covers too much text.

A longer object with a thin tip allows a wider field of view and offers a greater range of movement.

E-book reader Note: Here the finger would activate the screen.

Der Stift o.ä. muss aktiv gehalten werden, was zu einer ständigen Beanspruchung der Handmuskulatur sowie des gesamten Unterarms führt. Du wirst die Verkrampfung von Hand und Unterarm beim "Stift halten im Pinzettengriff" leicht erkennen.

Außerdem verlierst du mit einem Stift die Fähigkeit der "natürlichen Fingerbewegung" aus dem Fingerkugelgelenk. 

Der Bookhoover® als Augenführung vereint die Bequemlichkeit und Natürlichkeit des eigenen Fingers, indem er jede Art von Verkrampfung vermeidet, dennoch den Bewegungs-Spielraum eines Stiftes oder eines Zeigestabs bietet.

Der Booky® wird aus biokompatiblem PA12 3D gedruckt. Dies kommt auch bei der Prothesenherstellung sowie generell im medizinischen Bereich zum Einsatz und ist somit unbedenklich.

Der Bookhoover® wird mittels innovativer 3D-Drucktechnik, dem Multi-Jet-Fusion Verfahren, hergestellt. So lässt sich sein besonderes filigranes Design sowie die flexible Fingerhalterung aus nur einem Material abbilden. Zudem lässt sich so ein völlig neues haptisches Produkterlebnis kreieren.

Anschließend werden die 3D gedruckten Grund-Körper mit den jeweiligen Stifteinheit in sorgfältiger Handarbeit zusammengesetzt.

You can find all the details here!

When developing our children's version, we wanted to concentrate on guided reading for the time being in order to gather initial feedback from children and parents. A version with a pen is currently being developed and will be available soon.

We have more answers to frequently asked questions for you in our FAQ section section.

Our customers say it best

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Great reading aid for young and old!

After my great experience with the Bookhoover - it really helps me to stay focused, especially in the evening when my eyes are tired - I bought the Booky for my children (8 and 4). The older one loves the gadget and uses it all the time. He also often reads to his brother, who benefits indirectly. The little one can always see which word is being read aloud. I'm curious to see whether this will help him learn to read faster. In any case, we are very happy with bookhoover and booky!

First-time reader with a passion for the subject

Booky makes reading easier and promotes the joy of learning. 👍🏼

Great reading aid

We've been using the Booky for both of our kids (aged 5 and 7) on an almost daily basis for the past two months. The results are very positive, especially our seven year old is now reading with more joy and confidence. In his words:" the Booky helps me read in steps, its comfortable on my finger and I am able to focus better." We can only recommend the Booky to other parents that want to encourage reading and help their children in gaining confidence in doing so.

Anett Reers
Easy to handle

I ordered two in different sizes to help my daughter learn to read. Unfortunately, my daughter doesn't need the Booky as her hands are constantly in motion when reading. I can show her better where she is in the word with the Booky.
Thumbs up

Eyyup K.K.
Reading marathon

The reading pen is a great support, especially when reading with my daughter, 6 years old, 1st grade. We have set ourselves the goal of reading 100 books to "earn" a vacation to Disneyland Paris. So far we're halfway there and still have 60 days to go. Thanks to the reading pen, reading has become more concentrated and more enjoyable, because it fits very well on the finger and makes reading easier.